Transformation in a time of turbulence


One of the first programs that Inseus launched was our eight-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course. It has quickly become one of our most popular and frequently offered programs. I have long believed that MBSR is profound and one of the most meaningful and effective ways to change habits, realize potential, and heighten well-being in ways that enrich all facets of everyday life. 

And, right now, our everyday experience is unlike anything we’ve ever known. Today’s uncertainty and turbulence underscore the need for the kind of transformation MBSR can spark.

My personal journey with MBSR began as a participant in 2016. On the side, apart from my corporate job and family life, I had begun teaching yoga and practicing meditation regularly and had become increasingly curious about ways to go deeper. In my senior leadership role at work, I was navigating massive corporate restructuring and change. At home, I was juggling life as the primary care-giver to a loved one struggling with a serious illness. 

Stress, fear, and uncertainty only heightened the challenges. I was looking desperately for ways to restore balance between meeting my professional responsibilities and giving my family members the support they needed. 

I found MBSR through connections in the healthcare industry and became immediately intrigued by the evidence-based curriculum that blends science with ancient practices. Originally developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center in 1979, MBSR offered a proven way to reframe my relationship to life’s stressors, which in turn can have profound physiological, mental, and emotional benefits. 

While I may have originally enrolled in that MBSR course with a desire to support someone else in my life, I quickly discovered that the practice was designed to support me. Those eight weeks catapulted my personal growth in a way that I could not have imagined, offering me a new way to show up and be present with colleagues and clients at work and with my family at home. 

I came away with a deeper appreciation for the ways mindfulness applies to everyday life—by heightening awareness and resilience and empowering us to be our most authentic and effective selves. I found my voice and accessed mental clarity that enabled me to create the space needed to think strategically and identify creative, innovative solutions. 

I felt more connected to my values and more in touch with a sense of purpose. I walked through life feeling content, grateful, and kind. And, I noticed that I could manage and accept challenging emotions and engage in difficult conversations in ways that delivered better outcomes. 

The experience was so powerful that I decided to become a certified MBSR teacher to share these practices with others longing for a new way of managing reactivity, decreasing stress, unlocking perspective, and accessing more compassion and empathy. As I developed the Inseus MBSR program and my own teaching style, I focused on building community and connection through small learning cohorts that balance high engagement and structure with a kind, adaptable approach. 


My aim in our Inseus program is for MBSR to meet participants where they are. For some that means finding an improved system or tools that can help them be more present and productive and less reactive. Other participants work on developing inner kindness to address their perfectionism or self-critical voices, or to release themselves from the rigor and rule-following that dominate their lives. Some are dealing with illness, loss, or a significant life change. Others search for ways to improve their relationships or to reconnect with purpose. 

Inseus MBSR is about being aware and mindful of where you are right now. Our classes introduce the members of each cohort to a wealth of ancient mindfulness practices adapted to modern life. Participants try the different approaches to discover what fits and best serves each moment in their lives. 

For many, the most notable takeaway from MBSR is starting a daily meditation practice. MBSR offers a step-by-step method to cultivate meditation skills and provides a safe community to support you along the way. We offer opportunities for participants to try different forms of meditation—sitting, walking, breath-focused, body-focused, compassion-based—for both short and extended periods of time. 

Aram, an Inseus MBSR alum and Country Manager of a large business in Canada, described his experience this way: 

“I’ve tried for years to sustain a regular meditation practice to improve my overall mental, emotional, and physical well-being. I could never make it stick. After taking Inseus’s virtual MBSR course, my meditation practice has become more consistent and frequent. I now have a deeper connection between my mind and body and a better understanding of my reactions to the world around me.” 

I always emphasize that no single mindfulness practice—even meditation—is right for everyone. But Aram’s words touch on an important fact. If we create an intention, find a supportive community, and approach ourselves with kindness, there are many tools available to us. 

In addition to anecdotal evidence like Aram’s testimonial, the data we collect from Inseus participants underscore the program’s effectiveness. 

After taking an Inseus MBSR class: 

  • 71% of participants said they were less easily distracted.

  • 69% were more often able to use a calming technique in the middle of a stressful situation.

  • 58% reported they were less likely to feel overwhelmed with everything they have to do.

  • 53% were better able to bounce back after an emotionally challenging situation.

  • 52% felt more hopeful. 

I want to share a final testimonial with you from Shannon, another Inseus MBSR alum. She describes what so many of us have been feeling this year. 

“With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, I was more stressed than I’d ever been, even experiencing vivid nightmares and irrational physical pain. The Inseus virtual MBSR course opened my eyes in a new way, creating a safe space to look inward, notice, and leverage simple yet effective tools. The stressors in my life have not been reduced, but I now know how to work through them in a healthy way.” 

On October 12th, Inseus will launch our next online MBSR program. Registration is now open. I hope you’ll consider joining us. 

The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.
—Thích Nhất Hạnh, global spiritual leader, poet and peace activist

Mindfully yours,

Ashley Nelson