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Online 8-Week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course - Interactive Experience (Tuesday evenings)

Increase Resiliency. Reduce Stress. Transform Your Life.

This 8-week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction online course teaches the principles and practice of mindfulness, leading to increased focus, self & situational awareness, and emotional regulation, while decreasing stress, improving well-being, and heightening effectiveness in all aspects of life.

Co-taught by Inseus founder, Ashley Nelson, and Betsy S. Murphy. Ashley is a certified mindfulness & emotional intelligence teacher, coach and former Fortune 500 senior executive business leader. She completed her MBSR training at UC San Diego’s (UCSD) Center for Mindfulness in the School of Medicine, is a SIY Certified Teacher, and a certified hatha yoga instructor. Betsy is the founder of Integrated Pathways to Healing, a board certified holistic nurse, and mind-body specialist who has been providing mindfulness education in private practice for 15 years. She completed her MBSR training at the UMass Center for Mindfulness in Healthcare and Society and is also a certified yoga therapist.

Betsy S Murphy

Betsy S Murphy

Ashley Nelson

Ashley Nelson

Offered in a virtual classroom format, you will experience all the same benefits of an in-person class, including lectures, white boarding, small & large group discussions, and teacher office hours. Registration includes weekly downloadable practice toolkits and access to the Inseus private online meditation & resource library. Virtual classes deploy a simple technology platform to bring all participants together live, creating engagement, interaction, and community.

The MBSR curriculum was developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center over 30 years ago, and Harvard research shows that eight weeks of MBSR training rewires your neural networks, reduces cortisol levels, improves cognition, memory & executive function, and results in extensive physiological benefits, creating a healthier, more resilient, productive and peaceful you.

This course’s experiential sessions teach the principles of MBSR through mixed modalities, including several types of mindfulness meditation, awareness-building activities, group inquiry and discussion, readings, and mindful movement.

Over the course of our virtual MBSR program, you will acquire a toolkit for integrating mindfulness into your daily life through both formal and informal practices. Learn about the neuroscience and scientific evidence behind mindfulness, stress reactivity and stress response cycles. The evidence-based benefits include:

  • Reduced stress and anxiety

  • Improved ability to manage life stressors

  • Improved attention

  • Enhanced productivity

  • Improved sleep patterns

  • Better emotional regulation

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Enhanced communication & active listening skills

  • Improved relationships

Additionally, this online course qualifies you to proceed with MBSR Teacher Certification.

An intensive, experiential exploration of mindfulness, this MBSR course is especially recommended for those in high-pressure careers, anyone facing a significant life-changing event, care-takers or those struggling with chronic illness, or anyone seeking a more purpose-driven life.

Limited enrollment. Early registration recommended.

  • Schedule: Eight Tuesday evening classes July 7th–August 25th, 5:30 - 8:00 PM Central Time; plus one full-day retreat on Saturday, August 8th, 2020

  • Where: Online—join us virtually from wherever you are in the world!

  • Tuition: $445 Normal Rate | $345 Senior & Educator Rate | $295 Student Rate

  • All course materials, digital toolkit, and meditation library provided by Inseus.

  • If cost is a barrier to you, please inquire about our sliding scale and scholarship options.

  • Please inquire about large group discounts.

  • Upon registration, you will receive an application questionnaire via email. A brief phone meeting and application review is part of the enrollment process.

  • Questions? Email: