What’s a Workplace Assessment and Why Do I Need It?

Workplace Assessments are becoming increasingly mainstream, with data showing that over 60% of American workers are asked to fill them out. But you may be asking yourself: are these actually a good use of businesses’ scarce time and resources?

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that both individual and team effectiveness impact an organization’s success. And workplace assessments can be the key to understanding the strengths and growth opportunities of individual members and teams as a whole—enabling a shift towards a collaborative, productive environment where everyone can thrive.

So how does it work? Here at Inseus, our cornerstone assessment tool uses a scientifically validated model called DiSC. It measures an individual’s work preferences based on four basic behavioral styles:

  • The D (Dominance) style is active and challenging. This describes people who are direct, forceful, and outspoken with their opinions.

  • The i (Influence) style is active and accepting. This describes people who are outgoing, enthusiastic, and lively.

  • The S (Steadiness) style is thoughtful and accepting. This describes people who are gentle, accommodating, and patient with others’ mistakes.

  • The C (Conscientiousness) style is thoughtful and questioning. This describes people who are analytical, reserved, and precise.

Although DiSC lays out these four distinct styles, it is more like a continuous circle with further subtypes within each style. Each of the four styles and subtypes blend into their neighboring styles much the same way that colors blend into one another on the color wheel.

Each person has a unique behavioral profile that is a blend of all four DiSC styles—and no one style is better or worse than the next. In fact, when organizations assess these differences and learn how to harness their value, they can create a culture where everyone feels empowered to show up as their true selves in the workplace.

One of the most valuable things about completing a team assessment like DiSC is that it provides a non-judgmental, shared language and awareness about different workplace styles and needs. And instead of defaulting to our human tendency to judge differences, this increased awareness can help us learn to value and make the most of these differences. 

When you know both yourself and your teammates better, this creates the space for more informed decision making and resource allocation, as well as proactive and productive conflict resolution. When you can bridge the gap between different styles and utilize everyone’s unique strengths effectively, a positive and harmonious work environment is possible. 

Now you may be thinking, “this all sounds great, but I’ve taken personality assessments before, and I never know how to actually make use of my results.” 

At Inseus, we are committed to helping you turn insight into action in a way that supports lasting behavior change. We do this by coupling our assessments with a highly engaging, customized learning experience and digital resources. Ongoing access to a personalized digital learning platform connects participants to both their own and their colleagues profiles, offering real-time tips for more effective interactions.

Ready to unlock energized employees that communicate and collaborate more effectively? Then reach out to plan a Inseus Insight Assessment Experience for your organization today!

Mindfully yours,

Ashley Nelson